Friday, July 25, 2008

Alone Time

Riley just recently started crawling out of the living room and going down the hall to his room. He will grab one of his favorite books or a toy and play quietly by himself for a while and then crawl back to me in the other room. I think it;s so cute that he will go off to his room to be alone. I like to tiptoe down the hall and peek in on him. Riley loves his room. Sergio painted the room (his first time ever painting) and he also assembled all the furniture. The only thing I did on my own was install the light switch cover and the crib mobile. We enjoyed putting the room together for Riley. From the time we brought him home from the hospital we have always spent time there. Changing lots of diapers and clothes, reading books as we sit in the glider, taking naps, playing on the floor, and sleeping in his crib. I'm so glad he likes spending time in his room.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

That is so cute that Riley spends time in his room. It will be interesting to see if he always does. How fun to watch them learn and grow and explore their world. You take such good care of him April. You are a good mommy!

Riley eating solids

Riley eating solids
He loves making a mess! Riley is a great eatter, but he hates green beans.

Our Sweet Little Boy

Our Sweet Little Boy

Riley four months old

Riley's 1st Halloween

Riley's 1st Halloween
Our little peapod - 3 weeks