Saturday, June 21, 2008

Our Family

  • I grew up in a family of seven kids and thought that was a big family, but Sergio is the oldest of thirteen kids!
  • Sergio's birthday is on June 19 and mine is on June 20. He is one year and one day older than me.
  • After working since I was sixteen. I am now a stay-at-home Mom.
  • Last summer two of my sisters-in-law and I were all pregnant. Marina had a boy July 31. I had a boy October 8. and Ana had a girl October 28.
  • On October 8, 2007 Sergio & I were blessed with the arrival of our beautiful baby boy Riley.
  • We have an International Family! I was born in Italy, Sergiowas born in Mexico and Riley was born here in the United States.
  • I have always enjoyed reading. I am now reading Presidents & Prophets by Michael K Winder.
  • Riley and I love going on walks together around the neighborhood or through the park.
  • Sergio loves soccer. He is currently playing on three different teams. (2 outdoor and 1 indoor)
  • I love to cuddle up with Riley rock him to sleep and then just look at his precious little face. (Sergio says I spoil him, but that's my right as a Mom, isn't it?)


Kathy said...

Happy Belated Birthday, April! I was in Catania a few weeks before you were born. Where has the time gone? You are married and have a little one. Wow!!

marilyn said...

Yes, you have every right to cuddle with Riley whenever you want, especially right now when he enjoys it so much. There may come a time when he won't let you, so enjoy it while it last. Hopefully it will be for a long time.

Riley eating solids

Riley eating solids
He loves making a mess! Riley is a great eatter, but he hates green beans.

Our Sweet Little Boy

Our Sweet Little Boy

Riley four months old

Riley's 1st Halloween

Riley's 1st Halloween
Our little peapod - 3 weeks