Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So we are expecting twins! We will find out if we are having boys, girls or both in just two weeks. We are trying to prepare for the big change in our family as we are still getting over the shock of our lives. Since neither of our families have twins. Sergio and I are hoping for girls since we already have two boys. We'll have to wait and see how the boys react to two new babies. They will arrive this fall.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

How exciting and scary all at the same time.
You will do are a natural with children.
Happy Day
P.s....starting storing diapers =)

Riley eating solids

Riley eating solids
He loves making a mess! Riley is a great eatter, but he hates green beans.

Our Sweet Little Boy

Our Sweet Little Boy

Riley four months old

Riley's 1st Halloween

Riley's 1st Halloween
Our little peapod - 3 weeks