So it has been a very long time since I have been on my blog. I have been very busy and don't get on the computer much. Our biggest news is that we are expecting twin girls soon. I am currently going to
one to three appointments each week!! Plus preparing for the girls arrival and trying to keep up with Riley and Tyler. Tyler turned
one in June. He is walking, talking, imitating others, whistles and climbing furniture...keping up with Riley. Sergio & I just celebrated our
4 year anniversary two days ago. The girls should arrive in august or september. Then Riley will turn
three in October. I've been worrying about how I am supposed to get
4 babies to the doctors office when I onlt have two hands...that should be an interesting challenge. So I will have two toddlers and rwo infants which will keep me very busy, but we are very excited for the girls arrival!!