Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Riley loves puppies!!

Our neighbors have the cutest little puppy named Harley that Riley adores. Here are some pictures of Mackenzie, Cooper and Riley with the puppies. (The brown one is Harley and the other is his little sister) Riley apparently didn't think Mackenzie had her hands full with two puppies so he decided to join them on her lap. Riley loves playing with the neighbors he has been running up to Mackenzie and giving her hugs since we moved. And now he hugs her two younger brothers Tanner and Cooper and two brothers just a few houses down Calvin and Peyton. Riley steps out our door and has lots of kids to play with, plus he is attracted to all the outside toys they have. Since this is the first summer Riley has really spent outside we don't have any yet. Sergio wants to find some for Riley soon.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

How great that Riley is learning to play with other children and animals!

Riley eating solids

Riley eating solids
He loves making a mess! Riley is a great eatter, but he hates green beans.

Our Sweet Little Boy

Our Sweet Little Boy

Riley four months old

Riley's 1st Halloween

Riley's 1st Halloween
Our little peapod - 3 weeks