Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Decorations

So we put up the tree and all our Christmas decorations on Friday. Riley was getting into all the boxes with me. And I had to rearrange things to keep them out of Riley's hands. Riley went right for the outlet where we just plugged in the lights. He really likes all the lights. Later that night Riley pulled an ornament off the tree and dropped it on the ground. The first ornament to break and hopefully the last. I think Sergio and I will be saying No a lot over the next month. I will post a picture soon. I tried to take some last night of Riley standing in front of the tree, but he would just walk off. I'll have to try again when Sergio is home.


marilyn said...

Hurrah! Can't wait to see your tree! Riley will make all your Christmas celebrations Merry, very.

Julie said...

We have learned early on to keep all the breakable ornaments on the top of the tree. I can't believe how much Riley is growing!

Teresa said...

It is always a challenge with little ones under foot- :}
Happy Day-

Stephanie said...

How fun! My girls are past the pulling stage, they just now mother every other little child that tries to touch the tree. It is great preparation for the little one coming soon! So on your blog it has a pregnancy chart. Are you expecting?!

Riley eating solids

Riley eating solids
He loves making a mess! Riley is a great eatter, but he hates green beans.

Our Sweet Little Boy

Our Sweet Little Boy

Riley four months old

Riley's 1st Halloween

Riley's 1st Halloween
Our little peapod - 3 weeks