I still can't believe it's been a year since Riley has come into our lives! He has always been such a sweet, happy baby boy. Sergio and I adore him so much. I remember how Riley would fall asleep in my arms and I would watch his little face. What a blessing! He has grown up so fast. He is walking all the time now, And it's funny to watch him learn new things each day and to play with him. He's climbing the stairs (with parents close by watching of course, one of us is always behind him and the other is at the top cheering him on) He also loves to clap his hands he even started clapping Sunday after the choir finished singing. He is eating more and more since he has 8 teeth to chew with now. And he has mastered how to use a straw.
Today Riley was on TV! I sent his picture in to Good Things Utah the other day and they had his name and picture on screen as they played birthday music. (they only do 1st Birthdays) I recorded it so I could show it to Sergio. I'm so excited for Sergio and Riley to see it when Sergio comes home from work tonight. (Riley was napping when it came on)
Happy Birthday little guy- Hugs and kisses from your Great Aunt.
I haven't seen those pictures before. How sweet! I like how he clapped in church, too funny! He really is a sweet boy!
Wow, what a beautiful family! I am so glad that you found my blog. I think of you and wonder what you are up to, it is nice now to see! I am still learning this blog thing!
What a fun birthday present to be on Good things Utah. I'm glad that you recorded it. It will be a fun thing to remember.
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