Friday, October 24, 2008
Doctor Appointment
Riley hanging out
Riley's Rocket
Thursday, October 9, 2008
-Will, father of 3 year old
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Riley!
I still can't believe it's been a year since Riley has come into our lives! He has always been such a sweet, happy baby boy. Sergio and I adore him so much. I remember how Riley would fall asleep in my arms and I would watch his little face. What a blessing! He has grown up so fast. He is walking all the time now, And it's funny to watch him learn new things each day and to play with him. He's climbing the stairs (with parents close by watching of course, one of us is always behind him and the other is at the top cheering him on) He also loves to clap his hands he even started clapping Sunday after the choir finished singing. He is eating more and more since he has 8 teeth to chew with now. And he has mastered how to use a straw.
Today Riley was on TV! I sent his picture in to Good Things Utah the other day and they had his name and picture on screen as they played birthday music. (they only do 1st Birthdays) I recorded it so I could show it to Sergio. I'm so excited for Sergio and Riley to see it when Sergio comes home from work tonight. (Riley was napping when it came on)
Friday, October 3, 2008
A- Attached or Single? Attached
B- Best Friend? My husband, Sergio
C- Cake or Pie? Pie
D- Day of Choice? Saturday, we can all sleep in and spend the day with my family
E- Essential Item? Lotion and chapstick
F- Favorite Color? Tiffany Blue and Chocolate Brown I wear these colors and also decorate with them.
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Bears
H- Hometown? Orem, UT
I- Favorite Indulgence? Chocolate
J- January or July? July, I love warm weather
K- Kids? My adorable little boy Riley who's first birthday is next week!! (8th)
L- Life isn’t complete without? Family
M- Marriage Date? July 28, 2006
N-Night or Morning person: Both
O- Oranges or Apples? Apples
P-Phobias? Natural Disasters, Bees - I have been stung sooo many times. Once both feet!!!
Q-Quote? "Always kiss me goodnight." Sergio always kisses Riley and I before he leaves for work, when he comes home, before we go to bed and before he plays soccer.
R- Reasons to smile? Riley
S- Season of choice- Summer
T- Tag 3 people. Jocelyn, Cali, Gaye
U- Unknown fact about me? I always make lists - things to do, to buy, cleaning, you name it.
V- Vegetable or Fruit? Fruit
W- Worst Habit? Procrastination
X- X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound -- I've had to have x-rays before for a fractured wrist and before gallbladder surgery OUCH!! I'd rather have a baby any day!
Y- Your favorite food? Italian and Mexican
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Breaking in the New Highchair
Elder Mark Lunceford
These are a few pictures we took after Mark's farwell talk. Today we went to the MTC and left Mark there. He will be leaving to serve in Kennewick, Washington by the end of October. He is so excited and looks so handsome in his suit. He won't be back until Riley is three!!! But I made something to help Riley remember Mark. At enrichment a few months ago we made ABC books. (A is for Angel, P is for Prophet) In Riley's book M is for Missionary Mark and I'm putting in this picture of Mark and Riley. I hope he enjoys it!
Riley's Birthday Celebration

Riley finally met all of his cousins, two more Aunts and an Uncle. We had a party while all seven cousins were all here in Utah. We had a pinata which all the kids enjoyed and since Riley was born in October I found a cute little ghost cake for him to play with. He really enjoyed destroying it as the other kids sat around the table watching and laughing.
Riley eating solids
He loves making a mess! Riley is a great eatter, but he hates green beans.
Our Sweet Little Boy

Riley four months old
Riley's 1st Halloween
Our little peapod - 3 weeks