Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Two Years!!
Yesterday was Our Second Anniversary! I can't believe it has been two years already. Sergio and I are so happy together and Riley makes us even happier. Sergio is wonderful. He's caring, giving, sweet, is a wonderful father and husband, handsome, dresses so nice, always smells so good, enjoys singing and dancing, works so hard at work and at home, likes to clean and be clean, and he is also a great athlete. I love him so much. He took the day off work yesterday to spend time with Riley and I. And then we took Riley to Grandma's house while we went to dinner and a movie. We usually have Riley with us. This was only the second time Riley has been away from both Sergio and I. (the first time was in December when Mark was in ICU after his accident and no babies were allowed so Britani watched him while I visited with Mark) We didn't think he would cry, bit we didn't know for sure. We enjoyed our night out, but were excited to go get Riley. He had a great time, when we walked in Julia was feeding him Kix Cereal. He just started eating them (mostly in church) and makes a MMMMM noise when he gets them in his mouth. It's so cute!! We were surprised he didn't go to sleep since he hadn't had a nap in the afternoon and he was sleepy when we brought him over. He was having too much fun with Grandma and Julia to sleep. Once we got him in the car he started yawning and fell asleep right away. He slept soundly until around 7:30 am today! We had such a fun day celebrating another milestone in our relationship.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Alone Time
Riley just recently started crawling out of the living room and going down the hall to his room. He will grab one of his favorite books or a toy and play quietly by himself for a while and then crawl back to me in the other room. I think it;s so cute that he will go off to his room to be alone. I like to tiptoe down the hall and peek in on him. Riley loves his room. Sergio painted the room (his first time ever painting) and he also assembled all the furniture. The only thing I did on my own was install the light switch cover and the crib mobile. We enjoyed putting the room together for Riley. From the time we brought him home from the hospital we have always spent time there. Changing lots of diapers and clothes, reading books as we sit in the glider, taking naps, playing on the floor, and sleeping in his crib. I'm so glad he likes spending time in his room.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
What a big boy!
Just this week I moved the lamps and other breakables out of our living room so Riley wouldn't knock them over. And I covered all the outlets so he couldn't stick anything in them. But I guess there is more baby proofing to be done now. Today Riley climbed up eleven stairs !!! What a workout! He shocked Sergio and I since this was the first time he has ever been on the stairs. I can't believe how big he is getting and that he can do so much.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I put Riley in his stroller and we walk to the Orem Public Library a couple times each week to have laptime. It's for infants and toddlers. The Moms and kids sit on the floor. Dads can come too, but I have only seen Dads there once. There are different women that prepare a lesson that includes books and songs with actions. Right now I move Riley's body to participate, but later he can do the actions all by himself. The first laptime lesson we had was on seeds. She read The Carrot Seed, and also a book about a farmer that wouldn't wake up. The kids were roosters, it was so cute. She also showed us seeds and the kids tried to guess what they would turn into. It's a fun little lesson and Riley gets to interact with other children. He loves to go outside, so we enjoy the walk and I get a bit of exercise at the same time.
In the drivers seat
I love Riley's face in this photo.
As you can see, the seat and steering wheel are huge compared to him. But he had so much fun
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Water and Grass!
Here are a few pictures of Sergio and Riley in May when we discovered that Riley loves to play in the water. Other than his baths this was the first time he played in the water. The first time we put him on the grass he hated it, but now he likes to sit there are pull out the grass. So we try to get him outside to play more often.
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Riley eating solids
He loves making a mess! Riley is a great eatter, but he hates green beans.
Our Sweet Little Boy

Riley four months old
Riley's 1st Halloween
Our little peapod - 3 weeks